2018 Goals And Plans

I thought about not giving myself goals this year, considering I didn't accomplish all of my goals last year, but I decided that I needed some sort of plan, my brain needs a task list.

Run 800 miles
Run 15 races
* Including 1 marathon
Run in 2 new cities/ towns
Run 1 different distance

Read 70 books
Out of those books 85% have to be written by women or POC.
Read 10 books with my son

Visit Eerie Pa
Cross off 3 Places from my PA Bucket list
Visit 1 New State
Visit a Winery

Clean out my closet - it's a mess and I've been putting it off for too long
Organize my son's room
Donate 10 of my son's toys (hopefully without him noticing)

Last year, I made it a goal in my life to use less disposable water bottles. I used to buy 1 or 2 packs of bottled water per week. This was a difficult transition at first, but 1 month into it, our house was free of bottled water. This year, I am going to step it up a little more.

I want to use less disposable silverware
Use less straws
Use less plastic grocery bags

Wish List
This are things that I want to do, and will try my best to accomplish, but they are not top priority

Become a Zumba Instructor
Arrive to work on time everyday

What are your goals for 2018?


  1. I think you should definitely go visit Falling Water this year and you may as well stay at Omni in Bedford while you are out there. :)

    What have you replaced your bottled waters with? We carry around heavy duty refillable bottles. I keep one at work, one at school, and there is always one that is either left at my brother's house or my mom's by accident. It's the "lost" bottle I will get back someday....

    I need to do better with the plastic grocery bags.

    1. Yes!! that's an awesome idea! We have wanted to visit Falling Water for years, this has to be the year we do it.

      I bought a bunch of reusable water bottles and cups. And like you, I keep them in different places. I especially love my large reusable starbucks cup, I take that with me everywhere!

    2. I have a big reusable starbucks cup that I love and use all the time too! It's sitting next to me right now :)

    3. Send me a picture of yours!! mine is all sparkly and my son and I both LOVE it!! He thinks it's his cup.

  2. Ohh I definitely need to clear out my closet too, it's a giant mess right now! Maybe I will tackle that this weekend, although maybe not. Adam's going on a work trip soon and I'll have a lot of time on my hands so maybe I'll save it for then. I'll need things to do since I find it hard to sleep when he's not here.

    I have tried to get better about not using plastic bottles too. We don't buy them at home but I use them all the time at work. I actually just bought a new s'well bottle yesterday that I am planning to bring to work when it gets here (i ordered off of amazon)!

    1. I need Roger to be away for a couple of days to clean my closet, because I'm going to take everything out of it to sort things out.

      What kind of bottle did you get? We have a water cooler and it's perfect for using our own bottles.

  3. Great list of goals! 70 books is an impressive number for the year.

    1. Thank you! It's a lot of audiobooks, so to me it doesn't feel impressive, you are too kind!

  4. I am Goal-less this year...haha. Although I need to clean out one of my closets too and I have some new clothes with the tags still on them that I would like to try to sell on ebay (although I've had them in the for the past 2 years so what makes me think I'll actually do it this year?)!


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