Say Something Nice

3 years ago my office started a "Say Something Nice" event for the holidays. Blank cards were provided, and a box to put our positive thoughts for our co-workers. The rules were to keep the cards clean, to try to keep it related to work, and to try to include as many of our co-workers as we could.

Here are the Something Nice cards I got this year (Names have been changed to protect my co-workers privacy)

From : Left blank

Ana, I so much enjoy having you with us in the office. It is so nice to have somebody who care about not only her work, but her team. Thanks for buying all of the cakes and making sure everyone felt loved and celebrated. You are truly an amazing person!!

From: Linda

Ana, Thanks for thinking of us and bringing in Bagels. Thanks for working so hard to get paperwork done on time for reports.

From : Rosalinda

Than you for taking the time to know our lives, beliefs and sharing your thoughts on special occasions. Happy holidays!

From : Ashley

Thank you for always making me laugh. Your sarcasm and wit bring relief to the stressful work we do. Thank you for making this a positive entertainment! : )

From: Gil

I always enjoy your smile and your calm attitude.

From: Kendra

Thank you for being such a patient, kind and supportive supervisor! I'm glad you have our backs : ), and that you also understand the importance of a good snack! Merry Christmas and may next year be full of joy, fun and good runs!

From : Mike

I appreciate YOU more than you know! enjoy your Christmas!

From: My work Bestie

You are an extended member of my family. I am happy that you are in my life! I love you and respect your and value you as a friend. You are an amazing woman, and you are always there for me and I will always be there for you.

From: Nate

Thank you for all your do, and always being there for me! Happy Holidays!

I keep my Say Something nice cards in my desk, in case I really need a mood lifter. Sadly, I threw out my cards the first year in a cleaning spree and a bad mood, but I kept the ones from years after.

What would people say about you at work?

Say something nice to somebody at work today, I bet it will improve their work day!


  1. This is great that your co-workers appreciate you so much! They certainly do like that you bring them food!

    1. I love bringing in food, I feel that is the one thing that always brings us together! I work with wonderful people!

  2. Wow this is so beautiful! It feels so good to be appreciated. I can't believe you threw them out! My coworkers would say... I am funny and I would do anything they asked me to do.

    1. I know! It feels amazing to be appreciated! we should all do this more!

  3. I love this idea and that you shared them.

    1. More of us should try this at work, and at home!


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