Friday Five- Why is this week so long?

Happy Friday! This week feels like it has lasted an eternity!

I'm Linking up with the Friday five 2.0 ladies at Fairytales and Fitness and Running on Happy .

I have 5 things I can't stop thinking about this week

1. The Crown- I have been obsessively watching The Crown on Netfix since Christmas, and now we are down to two episodes, and I'm going to miss it!

2. Concerts and Shows- I know you already know this, but I LOVE going to concerts and shows, and after Les Mis, my mind has been spinning for what can I go see next! Right now the calendar has Bunbury in May and Dirty Dancing in March.

3. My Son is Amazing- My little guy is 9 and becoming a very caring boy. He is asking a lot of difficult questions about life, and I'm trying my best to keep up with him.

4. Anitta- I mentioned on Monday that I recently found a new favorite Brazilian singer, Anitta, and I am loving her music! I need to learn Portuguese, so I can sing along loudly in the car. I still sing loudly, but I'm just saying ramblings.

5. Hiking- We haven't hiked in a while, but I have been considering going to Worlds End State Park for a while. It's a long drive, but I keep reading that the views of the hikes are worth the drive and the time. 

What is something that has been in your mind this week?

Have you watched The Crown?


  1. I really want to go see Dirty Dancing too but it is the weekend of my husbands birthday and I don't think he would enjoy doing that..haha. He use to tell me that when they were teenagers his sister would play that movie over and over and he would get sick of it!

    1. Aw, that sucks! But, he could come see the Show with you, and you can take him to do something on another weekend!

  2. It's not always easy to navigate those questions! Have never watched the Crown but hearing more and more about it so I think I'll have to make a plan to.

    1. The Crown is an amazing show! Check it out if you get a chance!

  3. Oh my gosh! The hubs and I just finished The Crown last week and I've been absolutely stir crazy not having it to watch. I just can't wait for the next season!! I know I told you what a huge Broadway musical fan I am as well ...did you see that Phantom of the Opera is celebrating it's 30 year anniversary?! It's amazing to think that they have been performing that long on Broadway. I've seen it at least 3 times in NYC and several touring. If you haven't seen it absolutely must!!!

    1. I know!! You get it!! We finished it last weekend, and keep thinking we have more episodes, but we don't! I love the way the show was done, and it is so intriguing that this things actually did happen.

      I saw! I missed Phantom on tour here, but I am going to stalk it until I see it, I have to see it.

  4. The hubby and I started watching the Crown recently, and got through the two seasons quickly. It's really fascinating, and I liked the series a lot more than I would have thought. The elaborate costumes are striking!

    1. The costumes were amazing! I loved all of Elizabeth's gowns and her crowns, and everything that happened in it kept me fascinated !

  5. I have never watched the Crown. It is so easy to get sucked into series on Netflix.

    1. Netflix has been doing some pretty good shows recently. Check out The Crown if you get a chance, it really is fascinating.

  6. This week went really slowly for me too - why can't weekends be the same way? We did a local hike last weekend. I don't like to spend too much time in the car for day trips.

    1. I think weeks in January are long, but this one took extra time! We need more long weekends soon.

      I'm with you, I hate long car trips, but I also hate not going anywhere.

  7. I GRIEVED when we finished The Crown. Like, legit sad. It's such an amazing show. I love everything about it!

  8. I feel like I"m the only person who hasn't watched the Crown. Of course, I haven't heard of it either! I'm not a big TV person.

  9. That's so wonderful about your son. Isn't it so fascinating to watch their personalities develop as they grow? My youngest daughter is 12 and I am soaking her up because it all goes so darn fast. I don't think I've seen a musical since we saw Hamilton last spring.

  10. I bet it is fun to see your kiddo grow up and see his thoughts and character develop!

  11. I keep hearing so much about the Crown. I might need to re-activate our Netflix account so I can start watching it. We got rid of Netflix a couple of years ago because we had so much to watch outside of Netflix we didn't need it. Right now we don't have any shows we're watching besides sports though!

  12. I love shows too! I would love to see Mamma Mia. The Crown, huh? I've heard of it but never watched it.

  13. I love going to concerts! We are going in a couple of weeks to see Depeche Mode in Poland and in March I'm taking my step-daughter to see The Script. I think we may have tickets to two other shows in between!!

    I've never seen the Crown (nor heard of it)!


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