What I will Miss From Art In Motion Fitness

I know that I'm missing Runfessions this Friday, but my mind has been on something else.  I mentioned in the last Runfessions Friday that I was in complete denial of my Zumba studio closing. Well, I can't avoid it anymore. August is done, and with it goes Art In Motion Fitness out of my life.

Last Monday when I was there for zumba, they had stripped the floors off the bamboo hardwood flooring... it was a harsh reality.

Tomorrow I’m heading to my last Saturday Zumba Morning class with the ladies of Art In Motion Fitness. I have tried to write an email to them about how much my time spent there has meant to me, but I end up going off in a long over detailed story of nothingness and crying. I have also tried to write a post about how going there changed me, for the better, but I also end up going out into oversharing and long stories and crying again… I am a puddle of tears sometimes. Here are things that I will miss about going to zumba and any other class at AIMF.

1.       The friends- My zumba crew! Carmen, Beth, Melissa, Amy(x3), Aleney. And especially Denise, Susan, both who always made laugh when we were trying to shake and move the way they showed us.

2.       The EPIC Holiday parties! For 3 years in a row, I have been attending the Halloween parties, two years of Christmas and one random summer party that lasted two hours. Everybody dressed up for Halloween, and some people came up with the best costumes!! Their parties were an absolute blast! We would dance, laugh and danced until our cheeks hurt… both in our faces and our butts! And ate good food!  

I don't remember what we were doing here, and it's a blurry shot, but trust me, lots of fun was had!

Our last Halloween Party

3.       The Music- Before going to Zumba, I had a complicated relationship with happy music. It was an amazing experience to welcome happy, joyful danceable music back into my life.

4.       Having an outlet for frustration, stress, sadness, anxiety. So many days, so many times when things were just difficult, thinking and knowing that I was going to zumba later that day kept me from meltdowns.

5.       The Motivation. Without AIMF, I would have not started running again, and I would have never convinced myself that I could complete a 10K, a Half Marathon, a Marathon! On days when training was hard, I would remind myself what Susan and Denise always said to us (sometimes yelled at us over very loud music) You Are NOT TIRED! You can do this!
I'm still hopeful that Denise and Susan will find another location and open again, but for now, it's goodbye to Art in Motion Fitness.



  1. I'm sorry you will be loosing your Zumba home. I hope that you will be able to find something almost as fun and active soon. I'd hate it if something happened to the class I take at the gym. You just make so many friendships.

    1. Thank you! I hope to find something too, or that they return soon!

  2. I'm so sorry you are losing your zumba studio. Do you know why it is closing? Do you know what will go into that building?

    1. They are closing because of problems with the Landlord. From what I understand, the landlord refused to fix things... that is really all I know. The are looking for something else to lease.

      I don't know what is going into the building, it seems most of the other businesses in that strip mall are leaving too. AIMF was one of the last ones left.

  3. That is sad when you lose a place that you love like that :( I hope you can find somewhere else you enjoy! Those holiday parties sound like a lot of fun.

    1. Thank you Chaitali! they were so much fun! something to always look forward to in holidays!

  4. I'm so sorry you're losing AIMF. Why are they closing? Do they have any leads on a new space?

    1. Thank you Megan! they are closing because of problems with the landlord, back in the spring they were in a lot of disagreements, so they just ended their lease.

      They didn't have any new leads on a place yet, I think they want to close this one and take some time off, from what I've heard.

  5. Thank you Karen! They are a wonderful group of fitness friends! I will miss them!

  6. Oh wow what amazing memories you have of this place. It's no wonder you feel the way you do. I hope something changes or you find a new place to fill the void.

    1. Thank you Marcia! I hope they find a new place too, or I might pick up a new activity.

  7. Sorry to hear this! Its always tough when you are forced to change your fitness routine. Hopefully they will be able to open another studio!

  8. I'm so sorry to hear that you are losing your favorite fitness place! I'd feel that way about my yoga studio.

    1. Thank you Wendy! Fitness places just become those special places in our hearts!

  9. I'm SO sorry you're losing your Zumba studio. It sounds like it really improved your life in so many ways. I hope you and your friends can find another studio and still workout together.

    1. Thank you Ali! It did improve my life.. I used to be a very angry person before it. I hope we find something too!

  10. Aww man, just when your doing something for yourself and really enjoying it the rug is pulled from you. I hope you all find another place you can come together and have just as much fun! Surly there has got to be a common ground. Hey maybe that's the door you need to open one?? Huh?? :)

    1. Thank you Tricia! I have been considering becoming a Zumba instructor, you are right, maybe this is the kick in the butt I needed.


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