Can I Bribe My Son's Teacher?

I was going to write up a race recap for the HARRC After Dark 7K, but got bored just writing down the details about why I wanted to do the race... so here is my recap, I paid to run, I got an awesome hat, I ran in the heat, it was hard, my shoes came untied at mile 2 and I finished in 37 minutes.

School has started and with this comes all the work of having a child in school. I have a routine and schedules, because it's the only way that we get through the days. Every year the promise to myself that this year things won't be missed, or forgotten is made, but it's barely 1 week in and glasses were already left in the car. 

I saw on Instagram that a local coffee shop was offering a "start the school year off right" baskets, for parents to give teachers, and the idea came to me... can I bribe my son's teacher, before I start messing up? 

I expect that this year I will forget to force, I mean encourage my son to do his homework at least 4 times. In my heart, my son should not have to do homework, he is at school for 7 hours and at home and awake for roughly 4. And during those awake 4 hours, I am chasing after him to eat his food, take a shower, clean up after himself, brush his teeth, and have a few minutes to play and get his mind off things that stress him out. Maybe a coffee basket can tell my son's teacher now "I'm sorry that I don't give a sheet full of multiplications my full attention, I am more worried about my son having a balanced meal that will keep him strong." Maybe that's a bit snarky. 

I also expect that I will forget to initial at least 10 pages of either a behavior chart, a homework assignment or a test. It is not that I am not looking at those papers, trust me, I am! But when a behavior chart gets sent home with a less than desirable behavior, my first priority is to address it with my son... second and one that I forget is to initial that I read it. I hope a gift card will say to my son's teacher "I"m sorry my son spoke out of turn, we have a household in which he is encouraged to ask questions, and my family likes to speak on top of each other... we are working on it" 

Other things that I will forget at least 3 times this year : my son's glasses, my son's lunch, to sing up to help out for a classroom event, to send in the bag of gluten free marshmallow I signed up for and to send in the boxtops. 

So, today I will be the one parent showing up with a coffee basket and a 4 pack of tissues to the school open house, and an I'm sorry for all the things I will mess up this year apology, I promise I am trying my very best. 


  1. I feel bad for kids, it seems like they have so much homework these days! And I'm sure the bribe/gift will be appreciated :)

    1. I know! I was the worst at doing homework, so I don't know how to manage that.

  2. That's hilarious about the bribing basket! I love it! What a great idea! My oldest son gave us all a run for our money in high school (he's graduating this year and doing a lot better) and I had the vice principal, the school counselor, his psychologist, case worker, drug counselor, and support block teacher all on my phone as contacts who I'd text and who would text me, giving each other updates on Jake's well-being, his struggles, his whereabouts, etc. These people did this for FREE. Out of the goodness of their hearts. Because (they claim) that they really love Jake, that he's someone special and they just knew he'd pull through this with the right support. Now, there's no gift basket on earth that is big enough to repay people like that but I sure as hell tried. I bought gift cards for them, I brought them coffees, and donuts, and hugs, and thank yous, and personally-written cards, and I swear they'd do it all anyway regardless of my response, but saying thank you sure feels good and right. Teachers are incredible people. The absolute best.

    1. Wow! I love teachers that get so involved in a kid's life to improve it! I don't doubt that they cared for him, and wanted him to stay safe and well.

      When I worked as a teacher assistant (very briefly) any little thing from kids or their parents was a wonderful gift. I still have drawings that kids gave me and pictures, those are great treasures, so I'm sure those teachers and administrators loved and appreciated the gift cards, coffee and mostly the hugs!

  3. You are doing an AMAZING job. I am sure that you are not the only one who makes these mistakes ;) I know you are half serious about all this but it cracks me up because I can see you doing all of this. and the title of this post had me chuckling. One day at a time, Ana!! See you soon I hope!

    1. You got the mood of my rant perfectly! serious with a hint of sarcasm and humor... that's what parenting is, being serious and ready to laugh.

      Thank you! you are too kind! The origin of this post was me driving back to school with my son's glasses, getting stuck in traffic, and having to stop to get gas, because I ran out half way to the school.. so, yes, all insanity that goes into correcting the mistakes.

  4. I think first you have to forgive yourself because no one is perfect! Not parents and definitely not teachers. We all just need to take one day at a time and do the best we can that day. Second, I can say most teachers just want good honest and open communication from parents. I think a lot of teachers are parents themselves and know how hard it is to keep up with everything.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I always make it my job to stay in communication with my son's teacher, but not obsessively... I want them to know that I respect what they do, will address any issues and will work with them to give my son the education that he needs in life.

      Thank you for all you do as a Teacher !!


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