Looking Back at Changes

My office forced me to upgrade my computer this week. I have been putting it off for the last 5 months. I helped almost everybody switch to their new computers, and yet, held on to my old one as if switching over was going to kill me.

While I am still adjusting to some programs in the new computer... the new Outlook, which is very blue, the new icons, and trying to find my excel spreadsheets, I was thinking back at all the things I have changed in the last 5 years, and how terrifying all sounded at first.

* When we moved to a new office location- We used to have our office in the other side of the city, we had our favorite food places, our awesome parking lot, our great high ceilings and our roads with minimal traffic. While some days I still hate the traffic getting to my office, I survived that change!

* The thought of running more than 3 miles made me want to puke! and now I run 3 miles just for fun!

* I got bangs, then I got headaches from growing them out! Have you ever seen the popular running sings that say "You think this is hard, try growing out bangs" That is true! the running last 2-5 hours depending on distance, growing bangs out takes weeks!

* The scariest change was moving out and being on my own, after being married for years. And I thrived at that one!

What has changed for you in the last 5 years?
What change has scared you the most?
When was the last time you upgraded computers at work?



  1. I will be the first to admit that I don't do well with change!

    1. Change is super scary! I don't always enjoy it!

  2. Oh man, we're going to have to upgrade our computers next year too and I definitely am dreading it! Way to go with all those changes, especially moving out and thriving on your own :)

    1. Computer changes can be good, or weird... it's just hard to let go of what we are used to!


  3. Oh wow I like you with bangs! I get very annoyed when computer stuff updates. They update a lot of our grading and attendance programs and then never teach us how to use them. I got a 15 minute training on our grading software. So freaking annoying!! When you moved out on your own did you know right away you would be okay and if not how long did it take?

    1. Thanks!

      You know, my son's school has changed grading sites 3 times since he has been in kindergarten, and he is only in second grade! I gave up trying to get a report card.

      That is a good question... At first my biggest problem was how much I missed my son, and how difficult it was to even move when he wasn't with me. It still is hard, but it's more manageable. The second concern was the finances, I used to budget everything down to the pennies! But 1 month into it, I felt so free and happy that I knew everything would be great.

    2. Those are very valid concerns. I'm glad it didn't the you long to feel free and happy!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. 5 years ago. I was in grad school, not even engaged, and barely into running. Just a little bit, but not too much. I was still horse crazy.
    My life has totally changed!

    1. Ja ja! I'm glad you were still crazy! always embrace the crazy!

  6. Don't laugh when I tell you this but the thing that scared me the most in the last couple of years was turning 50. I don't know what I expected--would I instantly sprout blue hair and need a cane? I'm doing my best to beat that image to the ground, I think! Just rolling with it...

    1. I am not laughing, it's a legit fear! I used to be afraid of turning 32... I don't know what it was about 32!

      You are beating that image to the ground Wendy! you are a rock star!

  7. I really like this post! Thinking back on life gives us so much perspective. If I listed off everything that has changed in the last 5 years, I'd be here forever. The list would be LONG. Maybe I should do it! You look cute with bangs!

    1. Thanks! You should do it! Things and changes that were scary 5 years ago seem almost silly now.

  8. Change IS scary, but it's where growth happens. I started my new job this year, and the change was scary but I'm enjoying it. I'm feeling some growing pains still but I'm mostly happy with my choice to take a new position at work.

    Like you, I used to think 3 miles was like...impossible. And for a long time it was my limit - I never went over 3. The first time I ran 4 was honestly a life-changing experience. I still think back on that and think, "Wow, I can't believe how much 4 miles changed me...and it's still a magic number to me!" lol


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