Friday Five 5.12.17- Mom

Happy Friday!! How was your week? I'm super late for the link up! My week has been very busy, I've been busy and away for a conference, and it feels like I have been away forever! I will get back and read of your blogs ! I promise! 

I'm joining the Friday 5 Link up with  Running on Happy & Fairytales and Fitness. Today's Theme is Running Moms... there is many awesome running Moms out there, check out the link up and some of my favorite bloggers. Today I will talk about my Mom and 5 things she taught me. 

1. The desire to always keep learning- From a very young age, my mom told us that material things were not important, that those could be taken away, but that the things that we learned, those would stay with us forever. She bought us books and encouraged us to stay in school. This sounds like something all Moms should do, but back in the time I was a child in Mexico, this was seen by other mothers, and relatives, as something that was strange and out of the ordinary. While other Moms were teaching their daughters to cook, clean and take care of children, my mom was pushing us to do well in school. 

2. Feminist ideas- Back in her time, my Mom shocked everybody in my Dad's family, when she still went to work after she got married. My Aunts made fun of her, and told her to stay home and take care of my Dad, because that is what a good wife is supposed to do. But my Mom never stopped working. After my Dad came to the USA, she solely supported us for 15 years. She doesn't call herself a feminist, but she strongly believes the feminist ideas. 

3. Work Integrity- My Mom taught us that calling off work is not acceptable. She would send us to work even when we were sick. The first time that I went home sick, I cried for 20 minutes in the car before going home, because I thought she would send me right back to work. 

4. To work hard for what I wanted-  My mom doesn't like excuses, she likes plans and detail explanations of how something will be accomplished. Growing up, I saw her planning out goals, and executing steps of her plan, to always get what she wants. This is what I believe gives me the drive to stay focus on goals.

5. To save money- I will admit that this the one thing I'm not best at, but my Mom is an expert money saver. I don't know how she does it, but she has always worked hard and saved up her money for things we needed. 


I want to give a huge shoutout to my younger sister Maria. Without her, I could not be a mother runner, because she has watched my son for races, and it's because of her the I have been able to run the Hershey half Marathon twice! She also ran with my son for his first 5K. My sister is a big support to me in so many other aspects of my life, and I know I'm love and appreciate everything she does for me and my son. 

What did you learn from your mom? 

Were you allowed to call off work when you were younger?
What is the latest you have ever showed up for a party?
Mother Runners: Who watches your kids while you do races ? 


  1. No wonder you are such a strong, smart, determined woman! I love this quote: "All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother." Abraham Lincoln!

    I called off once when I still lived at home (I worked at a grocery store) and my mom was so mad at me.

    1. Aww! Thanks! That is a great quote!

      I know Moms mean the best, but they are so scary when they are mad!

  2. You are so lucky to have such a strong, awesome mom!

  3. I don't call off work unless I am really sick because it's too much of a
    Your mom sounds like a great women. You are lucky to have her for a role model!

    1. It is more work to call off! I only call off if I have a fever.

      Thank you!


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