The Forgotten Handbag
Back in another life, I used to have more than a few handbags. I grew up watching Sex and The City and my need to be cool was bigger than my need to have useful things. When my son was born, the need for a handbag was lessened, to increase the need for a bag that could carry diapers, three changes of clothes, stuffed toys and piles of fruit snacks. I still carried a handbag to work. Then I started running, and needing to carry less things, to make room for running items. So, I dropped the handbag, and I haven't carried a handbag in years! I have a small wallet and carry my phone in my pockets. For my brother's graduation, I dug out my fancy bag. My plan was to wear my comfy shoes all day, and switch to my heels for the graduation ceremony. The traveling handbag On our way to graduation we stopped at my brother's house. I suggested that we changed the kids into their fancy outfits, because it would be difficult to have this privacy again. My son changed him...