Throw Back Post - 1991

In 1991 I was in 3rd Grade. I remember 3rd grade with a lot of fondness, and with a lot of strange feelings. I was in a strange classroom, and was a little weirdo rebel. I am still not sure how I moved up to 4th grade... it might have been because the teacher couldn't stand to see me anymore.

Do you remember the weird kid in your classroom who dressed like a total weirdo in elementary school? that was me in 3rd grade. My favorite outfit that year was a pair of polka dotted leggings, paired with a pair of plaid shorts and a sweatshirt, worn with my sneakers from *USA*, which automatically made them faster and bouncier! I wore this once a week!

I was bored most of the time, and around my second month in school, I started selling my school supplies. And I bought candy with the money, and of course shared with my older sister to buy her silence.

It took my mom a long while to realize this.... it actually took the teacher a while to notice too. The day he finally noticed I was missing my notebook, he told me to leave the class until I had the proper supplies. So I sold my lunch to go buy a notebook. My school in Mexico sold school supplies, such at notebooks and pencils for a small fee. The next day, I ripped a couple of pages off the notebook, and sold it again. I really don't remember who used to buy it from me.

My school used to do Poetry reciting contest, and because I was bored with the subjects being taught, I would memorize the poems in two days and slack off during poem reading practice. I went on to participate on the poem reciting contest 4 times that year. That was part of the reason I passed 3rd grade.

There was a girl who was a bully in my grade, and she threaten to beat me up at the end of the school day. For no reason that I could remember. To which I still clearly remember replying "You are going to beat me up? You with that ugly face? You are so dumb, you wouldn't know where to find the exit to the school! Go bother somebody else!" How do I remember this so clearly? Because she went and told the teacher, and he called my mom. And after she patted me in the back for defending myself, she told me that I can't tell people they are dumb and stupid.... but that the girl was ugly... and probably stupid. My mom taught me to me really mean in school.

My teacher didn't know that I had read all the science books, the history books and the reading books. All of them. Including my older sister's book, who was in 4th grade. My older sister was struggling with Math, so my mom and Grandpa tutored her after school, and that was where I learned multiplications, and fractions.

One day my teacher was done with my constant talking during class, so he called me up to the board and gave me a really hard multiplication... we were in the 12x3 = ___  stage of math, but he told me that I was a know it all pain in the butt, so he gave me something like this 238 x 69 = _____ and told me that if I could do that, he would let me leave the class for the rest of the day. I had to do all the math in the board and show my work. I did it, because I had learned it from my grandfather. He didn't let me out the rest of the day.

Now that I look back, I know exactly why I couldn't pay attention in class. I couldn't see the board, and didn't know how to tell my mom... who didn't believe me when I told her 5 years later, anyway.

Now your turn... do you have any memories of being a difficult kid in school? were you ever bullied? or did you ever bully somebody ?


  1. Oh my goodness. I was such a difficult kid in school. Mostly because, looking back, I wasn't being challenged. I "talked back" to teachers when they would ask me to do things like STOP READING (because I was reading a book for fun) not knowing I had finished the book // activity the class was doing long before.

    I spent about half of my freshman English class in the principals office because I was talking too much & not giving other kids a chance to discuss the book! HAHAHA. He was great, & we started our own mini book club. I also got my "reading for fun" book confiscated my my Government teacher because she said I wasn't paying attention & then I told her that in a state with above average illiteracy she should be GLAD I was reading. Also the wrong answer. So, back to the principals office I went. Thankfully he had a sense of humor.

    1. Ja ja!! You were totally kick butt in school Jessie !! I love that !

  2. Ana, I LOVED reading about your memories from school and growing up! You sound like such an incredibly intelligent and feisty child! That is AWESOME that you were able to stand up for yourself with such much fervor. I am sure that bully WAS ugly and stupid to treat you, or anyone, like that! Super cool that you were able to memorize the poems so quickly and then relax while everyone was still working. As a child, I learned to type at home with a lot of practice, so when my class took a typing class I finished all my work super fast and then slacked off the rest of the time, too. =) Good for you for being able to nail that tough multiplication problem on the board, and shame on that teacher for not honoring his word to let you go home early! You EARNED IT!

    1. Emily, my mom used to force me to practice my typing when I was little!! And I had to learn to type in a typing machine !!

  3. Oh wow I had to laugh at you selling your school supplies to buy candy! :) I don't remember being difficult in school, I didn't get in trouble a lot or anything. I do remember my 5th grade teacher didn't like me. She was sort of mean to me. But who knows, maybe I was a know it all pain!? Haha.

    One thing I remember about 3rd grade was that we had a THIEF in our class! The thief stole all kinds of things from the students and the teacher. My friend had her unicorn bookmark stolen. I had my silly puddy stolen. The teacher had her math tape stolen. It was DRAMA!

    1. Megan, those little thieves !' I had my hard working money stone too! I always wonder what those kids grow up to do.

  4. Wow, fun to look back on life. I had freckles and my last name sounded like Hershey. People called me freckled face Hershey bar.
    I remember being bullied by this guy who still lives in my home town. He has since been in and out of jail for doing very bad things. In the end, I won.

    1. Karen, I'm sorry to hear you were bullied in school too! You did win! I agree!

  5. Oh my gosh, this cracks me up! I can't decide which part is my favorite; it's all so good!

    1. Ali, I'm glad you enjoyed it !

  6. Karen, I am so sorry to hear that you got bullied in school ! Kids are the worst! I am sure that you became a stronger woman because you survived the bullying !


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