Finished Reading
Books, books, books! I'm falling behind on books, I need to order a huge stack of stuff and lose myself in books until the spring.... Only If marathon training was not getting in the way of this! Last Week I finished A Short Story of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson (10)- this was a very interesting book! It reminded me of A Brief History of Time, except I didn't have to go back and re read some things three times to have a moderate understanding of it. One of the things that struck me the most about the book is when he talks about the incredibly lucky chances of being oneself.... counting how many thousands of sperm were fighting to get to the egg, each with different information, but mine was the one who won that race (#WBW to the very first race I won?!) and became who I am. Other things that struck me about it * Humans tend to make animals extinct any place they inhabit * Bacteria has lived in this planet longer than humans * A lot of sc...